In the Spotlight: Kennedy Champitto on Writing in Bursts of Inspiration, Starting Nymeria Publishing and the Importance of Outlining

In this edition of In the Spotlight, debut author, Kennedy Champitto, discusses their personal journey as a writer of multiple genres, their writing process, and starting a publishing company.

How did you get into writing and how did you know you wanted to be a writer?

I have always loved reading and have been obsessed with the idea of storytelling, even in elementary school. But I accredit learning about Edgar Allen Poe in middle school as what sparked my pure love and drive for writing. Something about his short stories really spoke to me, and even though I write in a completely different genre he is the reason I felt confident enough to write.

What have you published? What are you working on now? 

My poetry collection titled Chaotic and Critically Damaged, which chronicles my journey with mental health and recovering from past trauma, was published in January of 2021. My debut children’s book, Everyone Needs a Home, comes out in March of 2022. It tells the story of how I adopted my late dog, Colby, and highlights how no matter what someone’s differences may be, everyone deserves a place to call home. I am currently working on a full-length YA novel that follows the main character as she struggles to cope with trauma while still navigating the relationships she has with the people around her in the aftermath. 

What is your writing process? Do you outline? Edit? Revise? How long does it usually take you?

My writing process tends to be a little untraditional haha. I typically get an idea in the middle of the night or in the shower or even when I’m driving and it just kind of explodes out of me. I typically write in bursts of inspiration, then come back to it with a clear head to edit and refine the writing, basically just making sure it actually makes sense. I only outline for novel writing, but I wait till I am more confident in the idea before setting up a full outline.

Can you explain the process of forming your own publishing company, Nymeria Publishing? What type of writers are you looking for?

The process of forming your own publishing company can look different for everyone. Ours started as me simply texting my best friend that I wanted to start our own company and from there it flourished! We registered our LLC, created our website, even had a business mentor to help us understand what it really means to own a small business. 

We publish Poetry, YA, Fantasy, and Children’s Literature. All genres that my business partner and I have a lot of experience in. We encourage anyone and everyone to submit their work. Our goal is to focus on helping marginalized voices who are struggling in the publishing world and give their voice a platform that people will listen to!

What has been the best writing advice you’ve received? 

The best writing advice I’ve ever received is to just keep writing. A lot of writers, including myself, have the nasty habit of constantly rereading their work halfway through. This typically halts productivity and sends you spiraling. It’s best to always look forward and keep on writing! You can always go back and edit once your draft is done!

What do you want to tell other writers? 

Don’t give up. Don’t let anyone (even your own inner voice) tell you that your work isn’t important. Writers are a huge part of the arts and as a writer, you have the amazing gift of storytelling. Don’t let that go. Your story is worth being told!

Any other tips or tricks you would give to other writers?

Outline! Outline! Outline! This was something I put off for so long because I was convinced there wasn’t a point. To no one’s surprise, I was very wrong. Outlining can help refine your ideas and can even inspire more writing. It helps bring up questions you may have overlooked in your own writing as well.

I’ve always heard the best writers are readers too. What’s your favorite genre to read? Why?

My favorite genre to read is YA novels. I started reading this genre in middle/high school due to some required reading and absolutely fell in love with it. I love the genre because it feels very topical and familiar to what is going on in my own life. The stories are all things that could actually be happening to someone I know. It helps me identify with the characters and the story better.

Along those same lines, what is the best book you’ve read recently?

I, unfortunately, don’t have a lot of time to read for pleasure anymore, as much of my time is spent reading submissions. However, about two years ago I read the book Holding up the Universe by Jennifer Niven. It was incredibly captivating and pulls on your heartstrings. Niven has the amazing ability to tell her stories in the most poetically realistic way that strikes me to my core. She is also the author of All the Bright Places, which is my favorite book.

Kennedy Champitto is the author of Chaotic and Critically Damaged and the Co-owner of Nymeria Publishing. They are a writer of Poetry, Children’s Literature, and YA contemporary novels. With their debut children’s book, Everyone Needs a Home launching in March of 2022. When they aren’t working they enjoy spending time with their husband and two children, Emma and Bash. Champitto is also very passionate about animals, having spent the last 8 years working in the animal care field, before transitioning into publishing. Now, they are content with their two rescue pitbulls and two rescue cats. You can find out more about Kennedy and Nymeria Publishing at and on Instagram @nymeriapublishing.

About the Interviewer

Laura Beth Eason is an aspiring author, lifestyle blogger, and editor living in Raleigh, NC, and has also worked in English education. She is an alumna of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte and holds a B.A. in English Language and Digital Technology. Laura has a passion for mental health awareness, is a proud lover of the romantic comedy genre, likes dessert over dinner, and is a wine connoisseur. You can read her blog at and find her on Instagram @laurabetheason

Laura Beth Eason

Laura is an aspiring author, lifestyle blogger, and editor living in Raleigh, NC, and has also worked in English education. She is an alumna of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte and holds a B.A. in English Language and Digital Technology. Laura has a passion for mental health awareness, is a proud lover of the romantic comedy genre, likes dessert over dinner, and is a wine connoisseur. You can read her blog at and find her on Instagram @laurabetheason


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