
Kailey Brennan DelloRusso is a writer from Plymouth, MA. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Write or Die Magazine and is currently working on her first novel. Visit her newsletter, In the Weeds, or find her on Instagram and Twitter.

Kailey Brennan DelloRusso
Editor in Chief

Shelby Hinte is a writer from Northern California. She teaches at The Writing Salon in San Francisco,, and Writing Workshops. She has served as an intern and editor for various independent presses including ZYZZYVA, Split/Lip, and No Contact. Her writing has appeared in BOMB, Electric Literature, Smokelong Quarterly, Hobart, Rejection Letters, and elsewhere. Her first novel, HOWLING WOMEN, is forthcoming in 2025. 

Shelby Hinte
Senior Editor

Brittany Ackerman
Assistant Editor

Brittany Ackerman is a writer from Riverdale, New York. She is a 3x Pushcart Prize Nominee and her work has been featured in The Sun, MUTHA, Jewish Book Council, Lit Hub, The Los Angeles Review, No Tokens, Joyland, and more. Her first collection of essays, The Perpetual Motion Machine, was published with Red Hen Press in 2018, and her debut novel, The Brittanys, is out now with Vintage.  Her Substack is called taking the stairs.

Tamar Mekredijian is working on her first novel, which was long-listed for The Masters Review 2021 Novel Excerpt Contest.She teaches English at various universities, focusing on the rhetorical mode of Narrative. Her essays appear at Coffee and Crumbs and Literary Mama. She is the fiction editor of Write or Die Magazine and co-creator of the Write Together Retreats. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children.

Tamar Mekredijian
Fiction Editor

Suzanne Grove
Assistant fiction editor

Suzanne Grove is a fiction reader and editorial consultant for Write or Die Magazine, in addition to serving as the associate editor for CRAFT. Her fiction and poetry appear or are forthcoming in The Adirondack Review, Barren Magazine, The Carolina Quarterly, No Contact, No Tokens, Okay Donkey, The Penn Review, Porter House Review, Raleigh Review, XRAY, and elsewhere. She also received honorable mention for her fiction appearing on Farrar, Straus, & Giroux's Work in Progress website.

Nirica Srinivasan
Interviews Editor

Nirica Srinivasan is a writer, illustrator, and bookseller based in India. She works as a curator and advisor with an independent bookstore. Her interviews, reviews, and film criticism have appeared in Write or Die, Interlocutor Interviews, Helter Skelter, and Film Daze. She likes stories with ambiguous endings and unreliable narrators.
