3 Types of Playlists to Write Poems To


Depending on your writing style, listening to music while putting pen to paper can be extremely motivating. The right playlist can put you in the proper headspace and really get those words rolling.

If you’re looking for some playlists to write poems to, look no further! Here are three types of playlists that are perfect for listening to while writing poetry.


Instrumental music and writing are a classic pair. Not only does it help to block out other sounds around you, it can also help improve focus—and who doesn’t need a healthy dose of that while writing? Slow, classical music can be especially helpful when it comes to focusing, but when listening to these no-lyric tunes, writers should absolutely try a lot of different styles and see which ones go best with their writing. Anything from classic piano music to the Vitamin String Quartet (a group that does instrumental covers of modern songs), is out there so go explore!

Movie & TV Show Soundtracks

“Near, far, wherever you are”…okay, so maybe Titanic doesn’t give off the best vibes when it comes to writing (unless…), but there are plenty of other iconic soundtracks & scores out there ready for you to pair with your poem-ing. From contemporary movie scores and well-known favorites to the classic hits from beloved films and shows, you can’t go wrong with this type of playlist. So look up a few of your favorite movies/TV shows, compile some songs, and get to writing!

Ambient Sound

Do you like writing in thunderstorms but the skies outside are currently bright and sunny? Dreaming of writing in a cozy Parisian cafe, but the only travel you can manage right now is to the end of your street? Then a playlist filled with ambient noise may be just what you need. From crackling fireplaces to beautiful birdsong, ambient sound can provide the perfect backdrop when working on a new poem. There’s plenty to choose from—find what works best for your writing!

What music and playlists do you like listening to while writing poems?

Erica Abbott

Erica Abbott (she/her) is a Philadelphia-based poet and writer whose work has previously appeared or is forthcoming in Serotonin, FERAL, Gnashing Teeth, Selcouth Station, Anti-Heroin Chic, and other journals. She is the author of Self-Portrait as a Sinking Ship (Toho, 2020), her debut poetry chapbook. She volunteers for Button Poetry and Mad Poets Society. Follow her on Instagram @poetry_erica and on Twitter @erica_abbott and visit her website here.


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