I Am a Writer: Affirmations To Remind You Who You Are


If you’re a writer, you know the power words can hold. They transcend us into other worlds, hold our hands during difficult times, and take us on adventures. Our words can have a great impact on both our readers and ourselves – that’s a reason so many of us pick up the pen in the first place.

We devote our time to telling stories to others, yet we sometimes forget how important it is to tell ourselves things too. And we oftentimes forget to encourage ourselves in the process.

After a rejection from a publisher or during an extreme struggle with writer’s block, it’s easy to tell ourselves that it’s the end. Have you ever told yourself, “Maybe I’m just not meant to be a writer?” I certainly have, once upon a time – but I promised myself I’d replace every negative thought with a positive one. That’s how I fell in love with using affirmations, both in my personal and professional life.

It’s like this: what we say to ourselves, we tend to believe. Our thoughts can shape our realities, so it’s essential that we’re telling ourselves what we want to truly believe.

Repeating affirmations is a great way to empower yourself and to remind yourself exactly who you are – and you are a writer.

What Are Affirmations?

An affirmation is a positive statement that’s written or said in the first person in the present tense. It states a goal or a truth that you want to truly realize and believe. Telling yourself, “I can do this,” before taking a leap is considered using an affirmation.

Simply put, affirmations are a strategy used to increase your confidence and belief in your own abilities. They’re statements that help you shift your focus away from your perceived inadequacies and toward the strengths you have inside (and yes, you have so many strengths inside!).

According to Heathline, regular repetition of affirming statements about yourself can encourage your brain to take these positive affirmations as fact. When you truly believe you can do something, your actions often follow. It has to do with our brain’s ability to change and adapt, and you can read more about that here.

How To Use Affirmations

  1. Choose or create an affirmation that truly speaks to you, one that’s honest and focused on your intentions and goals.

  2. Say it out loud to yourself.

  3. Say it again. And again. And again. Repeat your affirmation as many times as you need until it transforms from a string of words to a solid belief. It may take time, but the more you say it, the more it will stick.

  4. Write it down and put it somewhere you’ll see it often. On your bathroom mirror, clipped to your car visor, taped to your coffee pot. Being able to see the words will assist in solidifying them in your mind.

  5. Make your affirmation part of your daily routine. Say it to yourself five times each morning and five more times before bed. 

Writing Affirmations

If one of these affirmations speaks to you, use it. Maybe you’ll combine a few into something new. Maybe you’ll be inspired to write your own. Whatever suits you is yours to use.

  1. I am a writer.

  2. I am worthy of being a writer.

  3. I am capable of being a great writer.

  4. I deserve to be a writer.

  5. I am an artist and my words are my paintbrush.

  6. My words have meaning.

  7. I have what it takes to be a published author.

  8. I can overcome writer's block because I am creative, imaginative, and talented.

  9. I have a vivid imagination.

  10. I write with passion and integrity.

  11. I am creative.

  12. I have a creative soul.

  13. I am a creator and my work is beautiful.

  14. My story is important.

  15. Inspiration is everywhere and I will find it.

  16. My voice deserves to be heard.

  17. I possess creative ideas, they are inside of me.

  18. Rejection and criticism are part of the process. I will learn from this.

  19. I have what it takes.

  20. I was born to write. 

  21. I have a story to tell.

  22. My words will inspire others.

  23. I am pursuing my goal to write an amazing novel.

  24. I am an author.

  25. I can write a book/blog/article/speech.

Shifting into a positive mindset can help you achieve your goals as a writer. After all, when we believe in ourselves, we can do anything.

Samantha Kauffman

Samantha is a Cleveland-based creative and mental health advocate. She has more than a decade's worth of experience in marketing + content creation, and has dedicated her career telling the stories of local brands. Samantha has written two children's books and is currently working on her first novel, an autobiographical fantasy story that's been inside of her since she was just a kid. In her free time -- and when she's not putting pen to paper, so to speak -- she's going on adventures with her husband + dog, listening to true crime podcasts, or honing her photography skills.


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