Write or Die Tribe Review: Wizards in Space Literary Magazine

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The fourth issue of the literary magazine “Wizards in Space” opens with a timely and inspiriting message from founder and editor in chief, Olivia Dolphin, that feels very much like a hug. “Take up space even when the world wants to make you small.”

Creatives can often feel as though their work doesn’t matter. There is always someone better, someone getting more attention, someone with more followers, who seem to have it all together. In this wonderful time of self expression through social media, these platforms can also take a toll on our work. We have to fight through a kind of comparison those who lived before social media never had to deal with.

It seems as though Wizards in Space is reminding readers that the space we take up physically and virtually is important for one simple reason: because you exist in it.

Its a complex relationship, as Dolphin puts it; this connection we share with space and place. But its a bond worth exploring through artistic expression and that’s exactly what the writers, artists and poets do within this issue.

I was particularly taken with the poetry in this issue, works like “Brother Born Blue” “Green” and “we will not burn any longer.” These poems explore resilience of women, the power and allure of nature and our connection and curiosity of the world beyond us; of space, the planets, the stars.

There were many pieces that also explored the concept of home, the need to escape it or the desire to find it once again.

I think home has been created within the walls of this magazine as you can feel the inclusion and the acceptance of each and every artist on the page. The voices that sparkle from within this issue are alive, they are courageous and they are all of us.


For more information or to get a copy of Wizards in Space, visit their website www.wizardsinspace.com or follow them on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Kailey Brennan DelloRusso

Kailey Brennan DelloRusso is a writer from Plymouth, MA. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Write or Die Magazine and is currently working on her first novel. Visit her newsletter, In the Weeds, or find her on Instagram and Twitter.


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