In the Spotlight: Jordane Maree


What started in 2018 as a way to explore and understand the changes shifting in Jordane Maree’s life has now developed into one of the leading communities for spirituality, personal growth, astrology, manifestation and more. Girl and Her Moon is a global platform, a source for all your tarot and self growth needs and a community seeking to spiritually elevate all its members to reach their fullest potential.

I spoke with Jordane about creating Girl and Her Moon, spiritual writing, how connecting with our higher selves can influence our creativity and the life changing power of community.

What first inspired you to create your community? Can you tell us a little more about Girl and Her Moon

I am still in total awe of this beautiful community that has somehow become what it is today. When I started Girl and Her Moon I had absolutely no idea where it was going, or why I was even doing it. It just felt right!

I was going through a major shift in the way I saw the world around me, as well as how I saw myself. Some people call this an awakening, and I guess it did feel a little like that – like a shedding, a becoming, a coming home to myself. And as beautiful as this process is, it can also be a little confusing. Everything you knew yourself to be had now shattered and you suddenly feel like a totally different person, but at the same time, you feel more yourself than ever. It can also feel isolating, the people you surround yourself with suddenly don’t align or ‘fit in’ with your new way of being and it feels like there is no one else out there going through the same thing.

So in my moments of becoming, of awakening, I turned to a platform to express what was going on within me – a process I didn’t and couldn’t understand at the time, but knew if I could just get it all out of my mind and look at it, it would make a little more sense. And that is where the inspiration for Girl and Her Moon was born – a platform for expression, for understanding, and for connecting with like-minded souls.

Girl and Her Moon has grown SO much since then! I always say it’s as if this brand has its own intentions, own path, and even its own mind! I have never really known where Girl and Her Moon was going, to be honest, I’ve just taken the inspired action day by day and allowed it to bloom as best as I could. Today, I see it as one of the leading spiritual communities that is only blooming more and more each step, offering services that are all about bringing you home to yourself through healing, connecting with your Soul and shedding layers.

We currently offer Tarot Readings, Astrology Readings, Energy Healing, awesome Blogs and other pieces of soul-based writing and inspiration on Social Media – and there’s so much more to come; courses, soul guidance memberships, numerology readings, and more!


Can you speak about your astrology and tarot readings? How did you learn this practice? How can someone benefit from them? 

Oh, my favourite things to talk about! I love astrology, and I love tarot! I think they are both incredibly powerful tools to connect with your Soul, to align with the flowing energy of life, and to grow, expand and evolve.

I have always been interested in anything that felt like it was an unraveling of myself - anything that could help me become that little bit more aware of myself, my tendencies, my patterns and how to grow as a human in this lifetime. And with that deep pull to unravel myself, I just flowed into both astrology and tarot very naturally.

I learned them both over time, through online resources, books, and more. We are in a time where so many people are truly re-discovering the magic of these tools, so there are resources for learning about them just about everywhere!

Astrology to me is a growth road map. Looking at the full astrological make up of each person draws a map in my mind. A map that shows where the individual will easily expand, flow into and experience fulfillment and success. It shows what areas will perhaps need more attention, energy and a ‘working through’ – and where the most growth will be experienced when these areas are given attention to, rather than ignored. So, growth, flow, alignment, fulfillment – a few of many benefits of looking into astrology!

Tarot I look at a little bit differently, however with just as much awe. Tarot for me is a way for your Soul to communicate clear and tangible guidance and love. Our Soul is always guiding us, always whispering little knowings and pieces of wisdom – but there are times where our humanness can get in the way of hearing our Souls whisper. So that’s where Tarot can come in! Each card has associated meanings, so instead of the Soul trying to be heard within the (sometimes) loud and messy thoughts going on inside of our minds, it can use the clear meanings of the cards to communicate what needs to be heard. It’s also a way to deeply and quickly develop and strengthen your intuition – each card pull you are working the muscle of your intuition!


It seems as though writing about astrology, the cosmos and the healing energy of the earth has become more popular as people are learning to become more connected with nature. Do you think there are misconceptions about spiritual writing? Is this a label would you use to categorize yourself as a writer? 

I haven’t used this label before, but as I think about it, I think it fits! When I write, I write from a much deeper place than who I am as a human in this one lifetime, and I think it reaches that same place in others. So even that I would say could be spiritual writing. I would categorise spiritual writing as writing that dives into the depths of who we are, individually and collectively, human level and beyond, and has a go at unravelling the complex, yet simple idea of existence.

I think something that can be unhealthy with the perception of spiritual leaders or writers, and is definitely a misconception, is this idea that everything is always perfect for the ‘awakened soul’, that they’re always in flow, always aligned, always positive, that they’ve got it all worked out because they understand their Natal Chart or they can meditate for hours. At least, that’s what I was getting from people before I started Girl and Her Moon.

I do think this is starting to change though, and I think that is due to the rawness and vulnerability that comes with this deeper ‘awakening’ that we are all experiencing. There are Universal shifts going on, rising of energy and consciousness, you can feel it and you can see it all around you. It’s a magical time. And with this rising comes a lot of raw truth and connection, it’s becoming harder and harder for people to hold onto the many layers of conditioning we accumulate, and it’s becoming harder and harder for people to not be totally vulnerable, open and truthful. We’re stepping into a time where we don’t need to hide the ‘not so beautiful’ parts of ourselves and our journeys so much. So, with that realness there’s been a big increase of this ‘yes, life is beautiful, and you should be grateful and so on, but it can also be really hard, it’s okay to not be okay all the time.’


Do you think our spiritual journeys have an effect on our creativity? 

Oh, yes yes yes. Absolutely. I actually never saw myself as a creative person growing up, it’s only in the recent years with connecting to myself as a spiritual being that I have discovered this creative flow of energy just waiting to come out and be expressed. When you are creating or expressing yourself, there is this powerful life force flowing through you and into your creation. So, I think it’s this beautiful loop almost - your spiritual development will really awaken that creativity within through connecting to yourself on a deep level; and creating will allow life to flow freely through you, aligning and expanding you into your divine spiritual self.

I love thinking from the perspective that we as humans are the Universe expressing itself. So, I think, as we create, that is the Universe expressing itself. As we create, we are the Universe breathing more life into existence with our creations – we are literally making something where there was once nothing. We are adding to the Universe and allowing it to expand. So, I think, the more we allow the Universe to flow through us and express itself through our creations, the more the Universe expands, and the more the Universe expands, the more we expand. It’s a beautiful thought.


Do you have a suggested spiritual practice or routine for writers?

I think writing in itself is a spiritual practice if you see it to be. To me it feels like a meditation, it’s a time where my mind really allows my heart to come through and be heard. It’s a time where I feel life moving through me. It’s a time of shedding, of growing, of understanding, of loving and being.

But I can’t always get into that meditative state. There has been so many times where I sit down to write and my mind is standing right in the way, not letting anything out. So, there are things I do to move through that!

Lighting sage does wonders for me. Burning Sage or ‘Smudging’ has come from different Native American tribes and it’s been said that it connects us to the spiritual realm, enhances intuition and clears negative energy. I haven’t looked into how it works on a deeper level to be totally honest, but I sure do feel something when I light it up! It helps me ‘let go’, as in, physically let go of whatever my body is holding onto, mentally let go of continuous thoughts, and emotionally let go of energy that I have been suppressing and holding down.

Sage, the right music (I usually listen to binaural beats), the right environment (a space in your own energy away from others, and a dedicated ‘sacred space’ is super helpful), and your willingness to let go and allow the words to flow out of you = my perfect writing conditions!

Writing in alignment with the Moons phases is also super powerful! For example, the New Moon energy is a lot about thinking and speaking things into fruition, it’s about really stepping into your energy as a divine creator and setting your intentions, and I do this through writing. The Full Moon on the other hand, is about letting go, surrendering and letting life move you. It’s a time where you can look back at the New Moon, give into and allow the energy of what you have intended to move through you and actualise, and again, I do this through writing. And there’s so much more to that! More moon phases and more depth, but even knowing the basics can really allow you to flow with the energy and express with more ease.


How has community influenced you as a creative? 

With the right love and support, you bloom.

I think in the world that a lot of us grow up in we are often taught that we aren’t enough or that we can’t do or be XYZ and so on. These are beliefs that I really struggled with growing up, and those beliefs really suppressed my creativity – because it’s hard to create when you’re filled with such criticising thoughts. But having the Girl and Her Moon community has really helped in unravelling and letting go of those many years of teaching. And this has happened with the beauty, support, love, connection and sense of belonging that comes with such a great community. I’ve really been able to open myself up and become vulnerable without the voices of criticism getting in the way.

It feels as if my heart is safe and heard. And when you feel safe and heard you almost can’t help but open yourself up and let everything pour out after holding it in for so long. Having this community has changed my life, truly. I know that I am so supported, so loved and really a part of something bigger than myself and it is the most incredible feeling. I am grateful every day.


What is your vision for Girl and Her Moon? What can we expect next from your community? 

Oh, I love this. I already see Girl and Her Moon for what it is becoming – a leading space for spiritual growth.

I want, and see, many more spiritual practices available through Girl and Her Moon. I want courses and memberships, and books, and Tarot/Oracle cards. I want to bring together incredible readers from all sorts of areas of spirituality; like meditation teachers, akashic record readers, channelers, numerologists, hypnotists, and much more – the beautiful and powerful methods to shed, connect to your Soul, come home to yourself and step into your power. I want it all readily available to help direct the awakening energy that is moving through all of us, and make it that little less confusing, isolating or even dark. Because it is a beautiful process, and I think with a community like Girl and Her Moon working along side your awakening, that beauty can be bought to the front and comfort can be felt throughout the process.

The next exciting thing that is coming is Girl and Her Moon’s first course! I am in the middle of working on it now and am incredibly excited to bring it into existence and share it with the world! It is the guidance that I didn’t have, but really craved, while moving through my own shedding and awakening – which isn’t at all an experience that any of us go through in the exact same way, but having a guiding, loving and supporting hand to hold and make sense of some of the new things in your life is helpful. It’s also really about opening yourself up to your own completely unique magic that is waiting within you to be discovered. We all have it, it just gets pushed down for a lot of us over the years. So yes, I am very excited to be sharing this and am aiming to have it available before the end of the year.

Based in Melbourne, Australia, Jordane Maree is the founder of spiritual platform Girl and Her Moon and has dedicated herself to creating a space of love, support and soul-based guidance to help others connect with their Soul, come home to themselves as spiritual beings and step into their divine power.

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